What Happens Before You're Called To Stand Out
Jun 11, 2020
Having moments of anxiety just before you are called to stand out, are part of your growth. If your heart races and your breath shortens just before you know it's a moment to make your mark, you are right on track.
I felt like this - yes, me - last night when I hit "join meeting" for a live Zoom with members of the Border City Rotary Club where I was the guest speaker. My long-time friend of Rotary asked me to come to speak since my Dad was a founding member of the club, and I was also a former member.
My heart raced, chest heaved, and breath shorted as I started to share our experience as a Black family in rural Canada. I drew parallels with events the US and shared painful personal stories of covert microaggressions I've experienced in this small, tucked-away town. (Wouldn't believe racism is here? It is, Folks. Lloydminster - and not "back then" - today.)
We all want to feel important enough to make our mark. That will always need us to heal from what keeps our greatness invisible. We stay stuck from sharing our story, promoting our business, or asking for the promotion when we can't find our way past the anxiety. The secret? Lead with your purpose and values in something more significant the task in from of you. You'll find courage.
My purpose on the call yesterday was bigger than my discomfort of talking about past hurts. My purpose was to invite a shift of hearts into new awareness, by all accounts that happened for those in attendance. Anxiety gone. Heart fulfilled.
What part of your confidence needs healing before you can grow, stand out, and make your mark at the same time? The answer is the first step to your journey to new fulfillment.