Design Your Beautiful Life Starting Now
May 28, 2022
I've done some version of my #mayconfidencebloom self-discovery series for the last few years. One year it was a photo posting challenge. Another year it was a Facebook group journal challenge. I always let my intuition lead the way with how I want to experience a time to renew and reflect on self-image, self-assuredness, self-presentation and self-love. Inevitability is 💯 suitable for the women who choose to come along the journey with me as their guide.
This year was no different.
I intentionally offered #mayconfidencebloom as a subscriber-only experience filled with my blogs, private podcast episodes, and never-before video "teaches." I did this on purpose.
In a world full of noise about what to do, how to do it, guru advice and hard-sells, I wanted to reserve my message for those genuinely committed to a path of growth and change - free from the endless ephemeral, instant and disposable content everywhere.
I wanted my ladies to be present with what I was teaching them, be they clients or women exploring. It worked.
"Today's prompt was spot on!"
"I'm convinced Michele's ready my journal with this prompt!"
"Wow, 2 days in a row of deep personal meaning with these prompts!"
"Michele continues to blow my mind with what and how she teaches."
These statements are what I heard from them. Meanwhile, I took my journey at my own pace and space as I navigated some big changes in my life offline. This year, more than any other, connecting to the seat of where the confidence to do life in a way that feels progressive and peaceful, I needed to "drink my own kool-aid" to renew, and I did.
I shared the highlights in my subscriber-only posts with randomized themes that didn't seem random at all for the reflection and lessons I learned from them (just like my people). I felt like the Universe was in my head and heart, working through me as I gave my best to those on the journey with me.
My prompts in order throughout the month:
Favorite Things
Motherly Love
Style & Values
Transition & Presence
Beautiful Life
Comfort Zone
My Superpower
Color Love
...and today's prompt screenshot was (no joke) "Beautiful Life" (again).
If you read Tarot or Oracle Cards, you know that a card that either "jumps" or appears twice is more than a whisper. It's a message, and I hear this one loud and clear.
Every prompt I pulled painted a picture of a "beautiful life" I've crafted in every way that matters - emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially - filled with love, intention and peace.
And while there are things "in transition," as in life, they always are, this month reminded me that
"the new" in life is the best of the old perceived differently.
I'm listening to this message for me from my May journey.
I hope you can use it too.
Now is the time to leave the outside noise, outside yourself and trust in your own journey. That's what creates your definition of a "beautiful life."
Don't know what that definition is for you? Are you longing to see and feel it clearly to take action that is meaningful in your life? Do you crave to show up in every way - from head to toe, mind to heart - for that crystal clear intention of a "beautiful life"?
Join a woman who's done it and me. Her name is Amy, and you'll hear your struggles in her story, but she will also refresh you with hope for what is possible - no matter what age or stage of life.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN our Confidence Shift Conversation - A Journey To Clear Confidence