What I Learned About The Core Of Success

change+transition community+giving back confidence inspiration showupconfident workshops Nov 09, 2024

If you couldn't tell by following along with me, I've been on a journey.

It's been about six weeks since I decided to put my name forward for my City's Council. When I began, I thought it was going to be a standard personal branding campaign sharing why I was qualified to be elected.

I was wrong.

Instead, it was a full-on, full-fledged personal growth journey about finding the confidence to take on new things. These last six weeks were a gift to myself that showed me everything I have ever taught in my live broadcasts, books, mentorship sessions, keynote talks, workshops and retreats.

These 6 weeks were a love letter to my work in, on and through the women I serve. And guess what? That's you here in my email community. Whether you are a client of mine or a woman still discovering her image, confidence, or purpose work through my posts and notes, know that I am even more deepened in what it means to be:

CLEAR about who you are

CONVICTED in what you stand for, and 

CONFIDENT in every way you express yourself - heart and mind, head to toe.

I learned again, this time through an election campaign, that the core of your success starts with how you think, feel and believe in the woman you see when you look in the mirror. (And it's still not about just about the clothes). Now more than ever, I am committed to helping those who are ready to step into something new, fortify their confidence and use it to propel them forward. 

I have a few new ideas about how I might do this to help you prepare for the turn of the calendar to 2025. So, if you wouldn't mind, please answer a three-question survey for me. 

I want to ensure that the event I'm considering is as exciting to me as it is for you.

Moral for you of this whole election cycle story? 

The next opportunity meant for you only appears when you've renewed your confidence.  

I'll ask one question you can sit with while you answer the survey: How are you renewing yours intentionally right now?