My Origin Story: Dressing Myself Well

aboutmichele confidence Nov 14, 2018

Every superhero has a turning point in their origin story - how they come to be and own their magic, that they use to help others. I have mine too.

This photo was my very first Instagram post. I then shared it on my Facebook profile with the caption, "Everything must change nothing stays the same." I love that song.

It was at this time I was in the "sad times." I call it. I appeared confident on the outside. The world saw me as owning life, but deep down I was crumbling. It was a critical time and this time - Feb 2011 - was the turning point.

It was shortly after this photo that I began to renew how I saw myself in the mirror. I was my first Hue and Style image consulting client, and by changing how I saw myself, I shifted how I saw my contribution, I made new choices that supported my life and the sadness lifted.

By November 2011, I posted a new status, "Feeling happy all the way inside." What most don't know about me is I am my own case study. By my learning to dress well, by changing who I saw in the mirror to the woman I was becoming, I changed the trajectory of what I would create next. Within one year of healing myself with my own image
confidence, I published my first book, I stepped back into full-time entrepreneurship with my image business as it grew to help local women. Without this origin story, I wouldn't have my current story of clients locally and internationally, a thriving and abundance business and joy like I could have never imagined.

I healed myself by dressing well. It's what I do for my clients. It changes women from the inside out and makes whatever new journey they embark on after more joyful, confident and successful. They dress themselves well - to wellness. Just like I did. They dress in confidence. It's my magic and I love it. 

You can explore how to dress yourself well too. Click here.