Show Up (Customer Service) Confident | Workshop
Jan 30, 2023
Business owners (with teams)! I know this about you:
You want your team to be memorable. I know you do because you know that a special team your customers see as experts make your customers return and refer you.
But do you know what the customer is looking for that actually makes you memorable?
If you know me and guess "your image," you're right, but now, do you know what that means for your business's customer service standards?
That might be a mystery.
I'll tell you this. Nowadays, your customer is faster to judge you, your business expertise and your team. (Blame our instantaneous digital life) This means how you and your team appear, what you say the moment someone comes through the door, how you follow up, and even the kind of eye contact you make all make or break that vital connection with a customer.
Each team member needs to assess, empathize and create a solution around the customer's story, emotions and expectations. This is the mark of customer service excellence now and in my prediction going forward.
It's a little old-school but just what people are craving - realness, connection and earned trust.
Does your team know how to do all that with confidence: every day, for any customer, with any emotion, in any situation?
If you aren't sure, I guarantee as a business owner, you're leaving money on the table or letting it walk out the door and down the street to your competition. (For real.)
I've been training in customer service excellence for over two decades, and I've watched businesses that get it right create the most loyal customer and roaring referrals - even without a ton of social media presence.
Why? Because the experience a customer has is what's real, invest in that. Jumpstart your team's confidence by helping them learn how to do it. I might be able to help. Reach out at my website.
The businesses I train, like Richardson's Jewelry, are on fire - committed to growth and excellence over trendy fads. Maybe you'd like a little of that spark in your team too.