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Get More Results From A Color Analysis body image color color analysis hue and style philosophy image podcast style Apr 15, 2024

The thing I will never feel wrong about when it comes to teaching women to dress in color is...

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How To Buy The Best Swimsuit For Your Body (And Confidence) body image confidence life+style midlife shopping style Jul 05, 2023
 This is your sign to wear your suit. Just wear it, already. 
Gained weight?
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Unlock New Radiance As You Age body image change+transition confidence fashion midlife style Jun 21, 2023

It's no secret that we live in a society that values youth, and as we get older, it can be hard...

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Immediately Improve Your Ability To Accept A Compliment body image confidence imageprinciple mayconfidencebloom selflove May 15, 2023

How do you accept compliments from strangers? 

Do you squirm or dismiss them with a...

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What Your Best Style Needs For It To Last body image change+transition confidence fashion hue and style philosophy Aug 05, 2022

My Google photos brought up the picture on the left from 9 years ago.

It caught me off guard. I...

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The Best Way To Achieve Body Love body image confidence personalgrowth selflove Mar 31, 2022

It's that time of year again, spring, which means summer is just around the corner! What do you...

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How To Find Lasting Body Love [VIDEO] body image change+transition confidence imageprinciple life coach Mar 17, 2022
The week my clients go through their Body Confidence module is a huge one. 
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How Body Image Is Actually Linked To Amazing Success [PODCAST] body image confidence fashion mindset podcast shopping style Mar 26, 2019

Your body image has the power to sabotage your ability to create success. It’s been proven...

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Conquer Body Image Demons With Image Confidence body image confidence Jul 30, 2017

Here I am paddle boarding this past weekend. I just got home and posted this reflection on my ...

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