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I didn't see this coming. confidence creativity joinme journalling life+style mental health resilience substack May 31, 2024

I have a habit of overcomplicating things.

It's a vice I've had since I was small, born from a...

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Confidence Advice For Everyone Reading This aboutmichele authorlife bookjourney change+transition confidence inspiration on my mind & heart resilience showupconfident Feb 28, 2024
Today, 22 years ago, my world shook and then emptied like the last sands falling through a turn...
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3 Lessons From My First Black History Month Celebration aboutmichele confidence lloydminster my legacy resilience selflove Feb 15, 2023

Though my voice and clients reach far and wide, I've lived in Western Canada, on the prairies...

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Women Change The World With Their Confidence [Podcast] confidence hue and style philosophy inspiration mindset quotes resilience women Mar 10, 2022

It's been a while since I met you all on the 'cast. It simply took some inspiration about the...
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Show Compassion With Your Words | CTV Your Morning as seen on communication style ctv appearances featured in news+media resilience Feb 24, 2021

You can use your words as powerful communicators to offer kindness and compassion to those...

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Confidence Is Self-Love In Action [PODCAST] aboutmichele change+transition confidence podcast resilience showupconfident Feb 09, 2021

Feeling stuck at times in your life is natural, and it's also a signal! In this episode, I share...
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Laugh hard. It's medicine. 2020reflection relationships resilience Dec 03, 2020

Yesterday afternoon I was all set to have my afternoon siesta when my good friend from Atlanta...

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On My Heart: Remember Who You Are bookjourney change+transition confidence on my mind & heart resilience Aug 24, 2020
It's been five months of the craziness with one thing piled onto the next. I've coped well and...
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