Power Up Your Purpose
Design a renewed direction that fuels new contentment & fulfilling results in under 30 days!
You just want to be happy, but something is in the way.
You want to live on purpose but something is missing!
I get it. I've seen it more time than I can count. Ambitious ones, doer's, achievers, leaders, creatives: You've been used to operating from unbridled hustle. It worked for years, but, right now, even if you don't want to admit it, that little self-doubt devil on your shoulder whispers some unsettling words:
"Bah! Come on ___(your name). Suck it up! Just push through. Hit one more goal and you'll feel better. Life at home will work itself out - eventually, maybe. You can get happy later. Just buy a new shirt in a new color. A little retail therapy will perk you up."
HOT TAKE: These are all lies.
And then on the other shoulder is the whisper of your confidence angel who reveals hope and a clue to what's missing:
"There's got to be more to life than always trying to prove I'm good enough and putting myself last."
SPOILER ALERT: This is the truth!
I've been where you are.
As a self-proclaimed "Type-A-In-Recovery," more than once in my life, I wrestled with these voices. It's why I know the chatter so well. I also know that the devilish self-doubt self-talk is debilitatingly frustrating when it takes over. It steals your happiness in every area of life.
For me, that chatter drove me into a 9-month bout of depression. I didn't have a way to resolve it. I got sadder and sadder. It made me feel like time was running out to find my sense of happiness. (Ug. I remember those days like they were yesterday.)
Let me offer you some relief.
It's possible to turn down the volume of this debilitating chatter any time you choose - and turn up the voice of the one who wants you to be your best! The voice of your true self wants you to happy and life feels like heaven when you get it tuned in!
Alignment is your answer!
The strength of your alignment in every area of your life comes from clear intention, true self-discovery, and sustainable consistency.
This kind of self-leadership development work takes putting yourself first, a proven framework, repeatable process and nurturing support, and doesn't happen by accident or passive inspirational social media posts.
The happiest people give themselves permission to define, refine, and embody (what I've coined) a "Meaningful Outcome" that steers their confidence, daily purpose, self-expression, leadership style and legacy always in the direction of their truest self.
Here's what's true...
A vision board, a bio-hack, all the self-help books (ok, even including mine) are useless if you don't have a way to act toward what you gather from them.
Know This…
the answer to how to show up, lead, mentor, inspire, help and empower yourself and others can only start with a clear, confident, definition of purpose of this season of your life and a series of repeatable habits that keep you motivated to live up to your purpose-filled potential.
"What you tell yourself in the quiet times, is the key to your success."
~ MCG, Show Up Confident

the human who needs to "do all the things", has a purpose beyond tasks, unrealistic expectations, people-pleasing, job titles, corporate climbing or accolade stacking
that, once anchored in an goose-bump-creating purpose statement, will get breakthrough results in your
- health, body and fitness
- career or business
- relationships, and
- peace of mind
all with more balance, ease, clarity and blissful certainty.
For almost 30 years, I've coached and mentored men and women to a state of natural, influential, quiet confidence.

You are invited to
Unlock Meaningful Purpose
Transform your confidence after change with a proven routine that works with expert support to give to you new momentum in your career, business and life!
the bonds between your values, vision, and voice perfect for women who are navigating big past changes and current transitions.
your ability to make courageous decisions in your leadership, business, career and relationships without second-guessing if it aligns with your goals and happiness.
a powerfully transformative personal "confidence compass" that becomes a foundation to navigating everything from your midlife transitions to your daily self-expression so you can finally stop wading through all the "find your purpose" books, podcasts, and inspo posts and finally get yours nailed down.
a style of life that sparks connection and attraction to success so you can live in the abundance that comes when you've made your mark and left a legacy of your own choosing.
In a laser-focused, coaching experience, you'll learn my signature exercise (and one I've used personally and with clients for decades) to renew confidence in a snap and that sets them on a path of effortless clarity.
This coaching experience is right for you if:
- You know you need a clear direction for your life's next stage whether you're navigating a return to work, a switch of career, or a phase of midlife, empty-nesting or retirement.
- You are tired of feeling stuck, irrelevant, passed over, aged-out, exhausted of the hustle to be seen in the sea of your competition or devoid of passion for a life you used to find stimulating and exciting.
- You are urgently preparing for new visibility for new business opportunities, larger stages and/or personal fulfillment after a big change so you can trust yourself again and be an example to those important to your life and work.
- You desire a permanently-practical tool you can always use to feel powerful in good times and challenging ones even if you think you don't have time to pay attention to yourself amidst everything else you do.

The best (and only) way to know if my breakthrough confidence coaching will create results in your life is to book your first session.
Still not sure if this is right for you right now?
Here are 6 ways to know if exploring together is for you:
- Deep down, you crave to truly be yourself while you help and lead others.
- You know you need a guided personal growth journey to be accountable and get your best results.
- You are excellent at what you do and already create great results in your professional and community life.
- You know you've changed in a big ways in the last 1-2 years and long to get clear on what's next for you and then have the courage to go after it.
- You love a close relationship learning environment with your nurturing expert more than being in a jam-packed, impersonal online course with little-to-no tailored advice or personal interaction.